Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health— Session 16: Round Table Discussion

Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health— Session 16: Round Table Discussion


30 March 2023    
12:00 pm PDT - 2:00 pm PDT

Event Type


This is the last event in the virtual “Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health” series. In this session, registrants and speakers from the conference will be invited to participate in the co-creation of a Blueprint for Future Research on Hormonal Contraceptives and Women’s Health, followed by an award ceremony for trainee poster presentations, and closing remarks from Dr. Liisa Galea. During this session we want everyone to share their vision for what the next steps should be to advance knowledge around hormonal contraceptives and their impact on brain health and how we can use what we currently know to make a meaningful positive impact on women’s health today.


10:00-11:50—Round Table Discussion

11:50-12:00—Trainee poster award ceremony and closing remarks from Dr. Liisa Galea

Individual Event Cost

General Public: $15

Students: $10

We offer you the option of registering for individual events or signing up for the entire series. Video recordings of our conference sessions will be sent to all registrants following each event. Register for this individual event below.