Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health — Session 13: Trainee-Mentor Networking Session
“Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health” conference, which brings attention to the brain health issues that women+ face and encourage the medical, scientific and commercial communities to address them.
This is the last of four trainee-mentor sessions that is part of our virtualThese sessions are offered through a collaboration with the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health Trainee Network and intend to provide trainees with the unique opportunity to meet and engage with sex and gender experts through informal conversations on diverse topics, including professional development and research. In this session, we will be joined by Harlan Pruden to discuss how to end anti-Indigenous racism in research and the academy.
If you have any questions that you would like to submit ahead of time, please email them to womenshealth.events@ubc.ca.
11:00-11:05—Welcome Remarks
11:05-11:45—Trainee-Mentor session with Harlan Pruden
Individual Event Cost
General Public: $15
Students: $10
We offer you the option of registering for individual events or signing up for the entire series. Video recordings of our conference sessions will be sent to all registrants following each event. Register for this individual event below.
Mentor |
Bio |
Harlan Pruden Talk Title: Ending Anti-Indigenous Racism in Research and the Academy Bio: Harlan Pruden (Nēhiyo/First Nations Cree), works with and for the Two-Spirit community locally, nationally and internationally. Currently, Harlan is an Indigenous Knowledge Translation Lead at Chee Mamuk, an Indigenous health program at BC Centre for Disease Control and is also a co-founder of the Two-Spirit Dry Lab, Turtle Island’s first research group that exclusively focuses on Two-Spirit people, communities and/or experiences. Harlan is also the Managing Editor of the TwoSpiritJournal.com and an Advisory Member for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Gender and Health. Before relocating to Vancouver in 2015, Harlan was co-founder and a Director of New York City community-based organization, the NorthEast Two-Spirit Society and was a President Obama appointee to the United States Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) and provided advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary of Health & Human Services and the White House. (In December 2018, Harlan was (happily) fired/dismissed from PACHA by Mr. Trump via Fedex.) |
Moderators |
Dr. Sonja Senthanar, University of British Columbia
Bonnie Lee, University of British Columbia |