Challenging Oppressive Maternity Healthcare in Canada
Authors: Stephanie Ragganandan Hon. BSc, York University & Dr. Karen Lawford midwife and PhD, Queen’s University
At no time in the present era have healthcare systems been subject to the same extent of research, analysis, critique, and challenge as they have been during the global COVID-19 pandemic. There is a temptation to view any failings in these systems as a matter of contemporary shortcomings. While the health outcomes facing marginalized populations are certainly exacerbated by 21st century technological, economic, and social disparities, in addition to being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, it is crucial we remember the root cause of these disparities. It is only by understanding the past that we can make sense of the present and imagine a future that liberates us all from oppressive, ineffective, and unsustainable healthcare services.