New Blog Post – Summary of the Women’s Brain Health December Symposium

Author: Alex Lukey, @AlexandraLukey // 

This past year has been a time of unprecedented change and constant adjustments. For the Women’s Health Research Cluster (WHRC) a lot of our work has shifted online to better serve our cluster members. In particular, the WHRC’s annual women’s health conference went from a single-day event to a series of 10 monthly sessions. 

Originally meant to be held in May 2020, this year’s conference focused on women’s brain health. The purpose of the conference was to highlight how women have unique health needs and are more susceptible to specific brain diseases. The fourth session of the Women’s Brain Health Virtual Conference Series was held on December 4th and welcomed experts to discuss the intersection between women’s health and mental health. A variety of ideas were considered during the session, which our blog coordinator, Alex Lukey, has summarized for our esteemed readers: