Winners! Conference Registration Award

We are excited to announce the winners of our Conference Registration Award! The Conference Registration Award offered prizes for trainees who are attending a Mind the Gap: Hormonal Contraceptives and Brain Health conference session. The Conference Registration Award was made possible by Elsevier. If you are interested in sponsoring the Women’s Health Research Cluster with a major gift please send us an email at

Please join us in congratulating the following winners of the 2022 Conference Registration Award:

Award Winners
Kerry Marshall, PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia
Teresa Luther, Graduate student at the University of Tübingen
Bonnie Lee, Graduate student at the University of British Columbia
Emily McKay, Graduate student at the University of British Columbia
Bodyl Brand, Graduate student at the University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands
Samantha Bishop, Undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia
Tania Pereira, PhD candidate at York University
Marnie McLean, PhD candidate at the University of South Carolina
Cherianne Taim, Graduate student at the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest