Arminée Kazanjian

School of Population and Public Health
University of British Columbia

Arminée Kazanjian

Arminée Kazanjian, DrSocis Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Kazanjian is a recognized Health Services & Policy Researcher whose work incorporates social epidemiology and health technology assessment, social and cultural dimensions of care seeking and service provision, and health workforce policy. Dr. Kazanjian is expert in data linkage of large administrative databases and population-based surveys.  Her early work  “Understanding Women’s Health Through Data Development and Data Linkage was published in the CMAJ. She is author and editor of two national multidisciplinary collaborative reports on women’s health surveillance and the development and evaluation of appropriate indicators: “Women’s health surveillance: a plan of action for Health Canada”, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada; and the “Women’s Health Surveillance Report”, Canadian Population Health Initiative and Health Canada. Also, she is the guest editor/author of a special issue of International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 20:2 (2004), on “Health technologies and the life course of women”. Current research projects include  cross-cultural cancer care, psycho-social oncology and cancer survivorship.