Julia Santana Parrilla

Research Coordinator

Julia Santana Parrilla

Julia Santana Parrilla (she/her) received her MSc from UBC’s School of Population & Public Health in 2020. Her Thesis project “Anxiety and depression during pregnancy: primary antenatal care provider perspectives” provided qualitative descriptions of how anxiety and depression are addressed with pregnant people. Participants (Registered Midwives, Family Physicians, Obstetrician Gynecologists) emphasized the need for perinatal mental health to be integrated in funding, research, policy, and practice priority-setting.

Julia is a multi-interested and value-driven qualitative researcher who has collaborated with the WHRI on projects concerning postpartum mental health, miscarriage and stillbirth, and gender equity. She has informed projects’ approaches to design, engagement, analysis and interpretation, and knowledge translation. She is currently a Research Coordinator at the BCCDC, working on a project that aims to co-develop peer-to-peer education strategies that promote COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Provincial Correctional Centres with people who are incarcerated. She is also the Creator of “So, I had an abortion…”, a storytelling initiative that aims to activate that healing of traumas caused by abortion stigma through arts-based workshops (supported by the Abortion Conversations Project and the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada).

T-shirt art credit: Kriss Munsya