Karen Lok Yi Wong
Karen Lok Yi Wong
Karen Lok Yi Wong is a PhD candidate and sessional lecturer at UBC School of Social Work. Her research interests include the intersection of aging, dementia, and different social locations, including gender, race, and culture; healthcare and social services, policies, and systems; ageing technologies; lived experiences and participatory action research. She is a registered social worker and researcher and has been practicing and researching in diverse settings related to older adults, including older women, such as community senior services centre, long-term care, and geriatric acute care. She is the recipient of the Inspiring Social Worker of the Year by the BC Association of Social Workers in 2021 and the Distinguished Service Award by the Canadian Association of Social Workers in 2024. Karen’s PhD is funded by the SSHRC Doctoral Award, CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship, and AGE-WELL Michael F. Harcourt Policy Fellowship.