Karyn Frick

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
United States

Karyn Frick

Dr. Frick is a behavioral neuroscientist and neuroendocrinologist.  She is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the Chief Scientific Officer of Estrigenix Therapeutics, Inc. She is the editor of the book “Estrogens and Memory: Basic Research and Clinical Implications” published by Oxford University Press in 2020. Dr. Frick has nearly 30 years of experience studying the neurobiological mechanisms underlying memory formation, with a particular focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms through which estrogens regulate memory consolidation. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and Association for Psychological Science, and has published nearly 90 papers in leading neuroscience and neuroendocrinology journals. She is also the President-Elect of the Pavlovian Society, a Reviewing Editor at eNeuro, and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. In 2008, she was awarded the Society for Women’s Health Research/Medtronic Prize for Scientific Contributions to Women’s Health. Recent awards include the UWM Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, Alzheimer’s Association of Southeastern WI Investigator of the Year, and UWM Research Foundation Senior Faculty Award. Dr. Frick received her B.A. in Psychology/Biology from Franklin & Marshall College, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University in Psychology. Prior to being recruited to UW-Milwaukee in 2010, Dr. Frick was an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Yale University.