Victoria Paller

Master's student
University of British Columbia

Victoria Paller

Victoria is an MSc student in the WACH program at UBC. She graduated from the University of Ottawa with an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences Degree in 2022. During this time, she completed an Honours thesis with Dr. Angel Foster. This research used a mixed-methods approach to explore how COVID-19 affected abortion access in Canada. Following her bachelor’s, she continued to engage in health research as a research assistant (RA) in Dr. Sarah Munro’s lab at UBC where she worked on the Ask Us Study, the Story Project, and the CART Access Project. After one year as a RA, she decided to pursue her MSc in the WACH program under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Munro. Victoria’s research focuses on qualitative data, knowledge translation, and using existing literature to improve sexual and reproductive health in Canada



Munro S, Di Meglio G, Williams A, et al. Can youth-engaged research facilitate equitable access to contraception in Canada? The qualitative study protocol for the Ask Us project. BMJ Open 2023;13:e070904. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2022-070904