CALL FOR ABSTRACTS | 2019 WHRI Women’s Sexual Health Day
World Sexual Health Day is an awareness day managed by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), a global advocacy organization committed to promoting best practices in sexual health. It is celebrated annually on September 4th and attempts to break down social and cultural taboos associated with sexuality and to promote positive sexual health around the world.
We would like to invite you to participate in WHRI’s annual event to celebrate World Sexual Health Day taking place on Wednesday September 4th, 2019 from 12 – 1:30 in D308.
The focus this year will be on trainees, students, fellows, and other researchers in training to present their completed research, research in progress, or any planned research. Talks will be rapid-fire (approximately 5 minutes each).
Please submit your abstract and abstract title of no more than 300 words to and include “World Sexual Health Day abstract” in the email subject line.
The deadline for abstracts is August 23, 2019.