Meejin Park

Master's student
McMaster University

Meejin Park

Meejin is currently completing her M.Sc. at McMaster University’s Muraca Perinatal Epidemiology Research Lab (PERL). Her academic journey began at the University of Toronto, where she majored in Neuroscience and Health Studies, with a minor in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health.
She is currently working on her thesis titled “Elucidating the intersectional effects of race/ethnicity and immigration status on obstetric trauma.” This mixed-methods study hopes to contextualize our understanding of the well-established association that exists between maternal race/ethnicity and obstetric trauma by assessing the potential for effect modification by immigration class (economic, family, refugee, non-immigrant) and duration of residence in Canada. 
She is a passionate advocate for holistic health promotion and research that emphasizes the intersectionality of various structural barriers to health. Through her work, she hopes to promote health equity, especially within obstetric healthcare settings.